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Conference Paper/Proceeding/Abstract 32 views

Reproducibility and Open Science in Lattice Quantum Field Theory

Ed Bennett Orcid Logo, Andreas Athenodorou Orcid Logo, Louise Chisholm Orcid Logo, Anna Hasenfratz Orcid Logo, Carsten Urbach Orcid Logo

The 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2024)

Swansea University Author: Ed Bennett Orcid Logo


Reproducibility and Open Science are increasingly discussed as essential aspects of the researchprocess. While there are areas where the Lattice community has been ahead of the curve withrespect to the broader research world in this space, including early adoption of open publicationsvia the arXiv,...

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Published in: The 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2024)
Published: Proceedings of Science
Abstract: Reproducibility and Open Science are increasingly discussed as essential aspects of the researchprocess. While there are areas where the Lattice community has been ahead of the curve withrespect to the broader research world in this space, including early adoption of open publicationsvia the arXiv, and the introduction of the International Lattice Data Grid in the 2000s, thereare other areas where lattice practitioners could benefit from practices already adopted in otherdisciplines. InthisContribution,wereporttheoutcomesofapaneldiscussiononthistopicattheLattice2024conference;afteradiscussiononmotivationsforworkinthisspace,andintroductorydiscussions of the relevant experiences of the panellists, we provide summaries of answers to thequestionsposed bythe audience inthe panel.
College: College of Science