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Mixing between flavor singlets in lattice gauge theories coupled to matter fields in multiple representations

Ed Bennett Orcid Logo, Niccolo Forzano, Deog Ki Hong Orcid Logo, Ho Hsiao, Jong-Wan Lee Orcid Logo, C.-J. David Lin Orcid Logo, Biagio Lucini Orcid Logo, Maurizio Piai Orcid Logo, Davide Vadacchino Orcid Logo, Fabian Zierler

Physical Review D, Volume: 110, Issue: 7

Swansea University Authors: Ed Bennett Orcid Logo, Niccolo Forzano, Biagio Lucini Orcid Logo, Maurizio Piai Orcid Logo, Fabian Zierler

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We provide the first extensive, numerical study of the non-trivial problem of mixing between flavor-singlet composite states emerging in strongly coupled lattice field theories with matter field content consisting of fermions transforming in different representations of the gauge group. The theory o...

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Published in: Physical Review D
ISSN: 2470-0010 2470-0029
Published: American Physical Society (APS) 2024
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Abstract: We provide the first extensive, numerical study of the non-trivial problem of mixing between flavor-singlet composite states emerging in strongly coupled lattice field theories with matter field content consisting of fermions transforming in different representations of the gauge group. The theory of interest is the minimal candidate for a composite Higgs model that also accommodates a mechanism for top partial compositeness: the ⁢⁡(4) gauge theory coupled to two (Dirac) fermions transforming as the fundamental and three as the two-index antisymmetric representation of the gauge group, respectively. We apply an admixture of APE and Wuppertal smearings, as well as the generalized eigenvalue problem approach, to two-point functions involving flavor-singlet mesons, for ensembles having time extent longer than the space extent. We demonstrate that, in the region of lattice parameter space accessible to this study, both masses and mixing angles can be measured effectively, despite the presence of (numerically noisy) contributions from disconnected diagrams.
College: Faculty of Science and Engineering
Funders: WewouldliketothankGiacomoCacciapaglia,Gabriele Ferretti,ThomasFlacke,AnnaHasenfratz,ChulwooJung, andSaradaRajeev,forusefuldiscussionsduringthe“PNU WorkshoponCompositeHiggs:Latticestudyandall,”at Haeundae, Busan, inFebruary2024, where preliminary resultsofthisstudywerepresented.TheworkofE.B.and B.L. is supported inpart by theEPSRCExCALIBUR programmeExaTEPP (Project No. EP/X017168/1). The workofE.B.,B.L.,M.P.,andF.Z.hasbeensupportedby the STFCConsolidatedGrant No. ST/X000648/1. The workofE.B.hasalsobeensupportedbytheUKRIScience and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Research Software Engineering Fellowship No. EP/V052489/1. The work of N.F. has been supported by the STFC DoctoralPartnershipGrantNo.ST/X508834/1.Theworkof D.K.H. was supported by theBasic ScienceResearch Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by theMinistry of Education (NRF-2017R1D1A1B06033701). The work of D.K.H. wasfurthersupportedbytheNationalResearchFoundation ofKorea (NRF) grant fundedby theKoreagovernment (MSIT) (2021R1A4A5031460). Theworkof J.W.L. is supportedbyIBSunder theProjectCode,No. IBS-R018D1.TheworkofH.H.andC.J.D.L. issupportedbythe TaiwaneseMoSTGrant No. 109-2112-M-009-006-MY3 andNSTCGrant No. 112-2112-M-A49-021-MY3. The work of C.J.D.L. is also supported by Taiwanese NationalScienceandTechnologyCouncil (NSTC)Grants No.112-2639-M-002-006-ASPandNo.113-2119-M-007013.TheworkofB.L.andM.P.hasbeenfurthersupported inpartbytheSTFCConsolidatedGrantNo.ST/T000813/1. B.L.andM.P.receivedfundingfromtheEuropeanResearch Council (ERC)under theEuropeanUnion’sHorizon2020 researchandinnovationprogramunderGrantAgreement No.813942.TheworkofD.V.issupportedbySTFCunder ConsolidatedGrantNo.ST/X000680/1.Numerical simulationshavebeenperformedontheDiRACExtremeScaling serviceat theUniversityofEdinburgh,andontheDiRAC Data Intensive serviceatLeicester.TheDiRACExtreme Scaling service is operated by the Edinburgh Parallel ComputingCentreonbehalf of theSTFCDiRACHPC Facility( BEIS capital funding via STFCcapital Grant No. ST/ R00238X/1andSTFCDiRACOperationsGrantNo.ST/ R001006/1.DiRACispartoftheNationale-Infrastructure.
Issue: 7