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School counselling for the gifted: Responding to the social-emotional needs of gifted students

Eva Chung Orcid Logo

School Counselling in a Chinese Context: Supporting Students in Need in Hong Kong, Pages: 102 - 113

Swansea University Author: Eva Chung Orcid Logo


Gifted individuals are those who give evidence of higher performance capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic or leadership (Borders, Woodley, & Moore, 2014). Psychometricians and psychologists are inclined to equate giftedness with a high IQ score but other researchers argue...

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Published in: School Counselling in a Chinese Context: Supporting Students in Need in Hong Kong
ISBN: 9781315721019
Published: London Routledge 2016
Online Access:
Abstract: Gifted individuals are those who give evidence of higher performance capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic or leadership (Borders, Woodley, & Moore, 2014). Psychometricians and psychologists are inclined to equate giftedness with a high IQ score but other researchers argued that intellect cannot be expressed in such a unitary manner and therefore suggested multifaceted approaches to giftedness (Wallace & Pierce, 1992). It is essential for educators and practitioners to comprehend the conceptions of giftedness and to help those students with giftedness to discover their emerging strengths and help them to develop their talents.
College: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences
Start Page: 102
End Page: 113