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Kate Bosse-Griffiths: Dy bobl di fydd fy mhobl i / Thy people shall be my people

Gwennan Higham Orcid Logo

Angermion, Volume: 5, Issue: 1

Swansea University Author: Gwennan Higham Orcid Logo

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‘Thy people shall be mypeople’: these were the words of Ruth, the Moabitess, of the Old Testament, the ‘model émigré’ who pledged fidelity to another nation. These, too, were the words used by J.Gwyn Griffiths to describe the experience of his Jewish-German wife, Kate Bosse-Griffiths, who was exiled...

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Published in: Angermion
ISSN: 1438-2091 1868-9426
Published: London Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co 2012
Online Access: Check full text

Abstract: ‘Thy people shall be mypeople’: these were the words of Ruth, the Moabitess, of the Old Testament, the ‘model émigré’ who pledged fidelity to another nation. These, too, were the words used by J.Gwyn Griffiths to describe the experience of his Jewish-German wife, Kate Bosse-Griffiths, who was exiled to Britain from Germany in 1936 and through marriage to a Welsh man, dedicated herself to a new life in Welsh-speaking Wales. In a short space of time, she established herself as a recognised Welsh language author who challenged the society in which she lived. There is much more to this woman than the exchange of one culture or identity for another. This study of her life and published works will attempt to unravel the multiple threads that interweave the identity of a Welsh-German woman. Analysis of her unpublished poems may reveal an unprecedented insight into a seemingly complex and yet fascinating woman, whose role as a member of an ethnic minority in Wales deserves closer attention.
Keywords: Welsh, German, Refugee, Identity, language
College: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Issue: 1