Journal article 1518 views

Developing Navigation Competencies to Care for Older Rural Adults with Advanced Illness

Wendy Duggleby, Carole A. Robinson, Sharon Kaasalainen, Barbara Pesut, Cheryl Nekolaichuk, Roderick MacLeod, Norah Keating Orcid Logo, Anna Santos Salas, Lars K. Hallstrom, Kimberly D. Fraser, Allison Williams, Kelly Struthers-Montford, Jennifer Swindle

Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, Volume: 35, Issue: 02, Pages: 206 - 214

Swansea University Author: Norah Keating Orcid Logo

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DOI (Published version): 10.1017/S0714980816000131


Navigators help rural older adults with advanced illness and their families connect to needed resources, information,and people to improve their quality of life. This article describes the process used to engage experts – in rural aging, ruralpalliative care, and navigation – as well as rural commun...

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Published in: Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement
Published: 2016
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Abstract: Navigators help rural older adults with advanced illness and their families connect to needed resources, information,and people to improve their quality of life. This article describes the process used to engage experts – in rural aging, ruralpalliative care, and navigation – as well as rural community stakeholders to develop a conceptual definition of navigationand delineate navigation competencies for the care of this population. A discussion paper on the important considerationsfor navigation in this population was developed followed by a four-phased Delphi process with 30 expert panel members.Study results culminated in fi ve general navigation competencies for health care providers caring for older rural personsand their families at end of life: provide patient/family screening; advocate for the patient/family; facilitate communityconnections; coordinate access to services and resources; and promote active engagement. Specific competencies werealso developed. These competencies provide the foundation for research and curriculum development in navigation.
Keywords: aging , navigation , palliative care , rural , older adults , competencies
College: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences
Issue: 02
Start Page: 206
End Page: 214