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Digital Divides in Europe: Culture, Politics and the Western-Southern Divide

Panayiota Tsatsou

Swansea University Author: Panayiota Tsatsou


This book examines the hotly debated subject of digital divides and specifically addresses the Western-Southern dividein Europe. It offers insights into selected countries of Southern and Western Europe – Greece, Portugal and the UK –and assesses the role of socio-cultural and decision-making parame...

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Published: Berlin Peter Lang 2011
Abstract: This book examines the hotly debated subject of digital divides and specifically addresses the Western-Southern dividein Europe. It offers insights into selected countries of Southern and Western Europe – Greece, Portugal and the UK –and assesses the role of socio-cultural and decision-making parameters in the Western-Southern divide. It explores ordinarypeople’s insights into the digital divide and links them to the role policymakers and regulators play in the developmentof the information society. Thus, it offers an innovative approach that crosses disciplines and brings new mediastudies closer to cultural studies and the study of politics. The study identifies the role of decision-making and socioculturalparameters in the Western-Southern divide in Europe and concludes that this divide should be seen as a ladderof divides influenced by a complex set of socio-cultural and policy/regulatory factors. The book reaches significantcase-specific conclusions for the Western-Southern divide and argues that it is its profoundly socio-cultural and political/regulatory nature, while highlighting the implications for the European information society as a whole.
Keywords: Digital divides; Western-Southern Divide; UK; Portugal; Greece; Europe; Information Society; Politics; Culture
College: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences