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Working with troubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots: workshop report

Frank Förster, Marta Romeo, Patrick Holthaus, Luke J. Wood, Christian Dondrup, Joel E. Fischer, Farhana Ferdousi Liza, Sara Kaszuba, Julian Hough, Birthe Nesset, Daniel Hernández García, Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos, Jennifer Williams, Elif Ecem Özkan, Pepita Barnard, Gustavo Berumen, Dominic Price, Sue Cobb, Martina Wiltschko, Lucien Tisserand, Martin Porcheron, Manuel Giuliani, Gabriel Skantze, Patrick G. T. Healey, Ioannis Papaioannou, Dimitra Gkatzia, Saul Albert, Guanyu Huang, Vladislav Maraev, Epaminondas Kapetanios

Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Volume: 10, Issue: Human-Robot Interaction

Swansea University Author: Julian Hough

  • 64960.VOR.pdf

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    © 2023 Förster, Romeo, Holthaus, Wood, Dondrup, Fischer, Liza, Kaszuba, Hough, Nesset, Hernández García, Kontogiorgos, Williams, Özkan, Barnard, Berumen, Price, Cobb, Wiltschko, Tisserand, Porcheron, Giuliani, Skantze, Healey, Papaioannou, Gkatzia, Albert, Huang, Maraev and Kapetanios. Distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

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This paper summarizes the structure and findings from the first Workshop on Troubles and Failures in Conversations between Humans and Robots. The workshop was organized to bring together a small, interdisciplinary group of researchers working on miscommunication from two complementary perspectives....

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Published in: Frontiers in Robotics and AI
ISSN: 2296-9144
Published: Frontiers Media SA 2023
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first_indexed 2023-11-10T12:13:00Z
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The second group involved experts from conversation analysis, cognitive science, and linguistics. Uniting both groups of researchers is the belief that communication failures between humans and machines need to be taken seriously and that a systematic analysis of such failures may open fruitful avenues in research beyond current practices to improve such systems, including both speech-centric and multimodal interfaces. This workshop represents a starting point for this endeavour. The aim of the workshop was threefold: Firstly, to establish an interdisciplinary network of researchers that share a common interest in investigating communicative failures with a particular view towards robotic speech interfaces; secondly, to gain a partial overview of the “failure landscape” as experienced by roboticists and HRI researchers; and thirdly, to determine the potential for creating a robotic benchmark scenario for testing future speech interfaces with respect to the identified failures. The present article summarizes both the “failure landscape” surveyed during the workshop as well as the outcomes of the attempt to define a benchmark scenario.</abstract><type>Journal Article</type><journal>Frontiers in Robotics and AI</journal><volume>10</volume><journalNumber>Human-Robot Interaction</journalNumber><paginationStart/><paginationEnd/><publisher>Frontiers Media SA</publisher><placeOfPublication/><isbnPrint/><isbnElectronic/><issnPrint/><issnElectronic>2296-9144</issnElectronic><keywords>Human-robot interaction, speech interfaces, dialogue systems, multi-modal interaction, communicative failure, repair</keywords><publishedDay>1</publishedDay><publishedMonth>12</publishedMonth><publishedYear>2023</publishedYear><publishedDate>2023-12-01</publishedDate><doi>10.3389/frobt.2023.1202306</doi><url></url><notes/><college>COLLEGE NANME</college><department>Computer Science</department><CollegeCode>COLLEGE CODE</CollegeCode><DepartmentCode>SCS</DepartmentCode><institution>Swansea University</institution><apcterm>External research funder(s) paid the OA fee (includes OA grants disbursed by the Library)</apcterm><funders>The workshop, the outcomes of which are described in this paper, was funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) Robotics &amp; Autonomous Systems Network (UK-RAS) Pump Priming programme under the project title “Charting the Limits and Developing Future Directions of Speech Interfaces for Robotics”. DG is supported under the EPSRC projects NLG for low-resource domains (EP/T024917/1) and CiViL (EP/T014598/1). Some of the authors are supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [grant numbers EP/V00784X/1, EP/X009343/1] including through the Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS) Hub. One of the authors has been supported by the H2020 EU projects CANOPIES—A Collaborative Paradigm for Human Workers and Multi-Robot Teams in Precision Agriculture Systems, Grant Agreement 101016906. DK is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy—EXC 2002/1 “Science of Intelligence”—project number 390523135.</funders><projectreference/><lastEdited>2023-12-12T13:14:29.2973648</lastEdited><Created>2023-11-10T11:58:15.0661525</Created><path><level id="1">Faculty of Science and Engineering</level><level id="2">School of Mathematics and Computer Science - Computer Science</level></path><authors><author><firstname>Frank</firstname><surname>Förster</surname><order>1</order></author><author><firstname>Marta</firstname><surname>Romeo</surname><order>2</order></author><author><firstname>Patrick</firstname><surname>Holthaus</surname><order>3</order></author><author><firstname>Luke J.</firstname><surname>Wood</surname><order>4</order></author><author><firstname>Christian</firstname><surname>Dondrup</surname><order>5</order></author><author><firstname>Joel E.</firstname><surname>Fischer</surname><order>6</order></author><author><firstname>Farhana Ferdousi</firstname><surname>Liza</surname><order>7</order></author><author><firstname>Sara</firstname><surname>Kaszuba</surname><order>8</order></author><author><firstname>Julian</firstname><surname>Hough</surname><order>9</order></author><author><firstname>Birthe</firstname><surname>Nesset</surname><order>10</order></author><author><firstname>Daniel Hernández</firstname><surname>García</surname><order>11</order></author><author><firstname>Dimosthenis</firstname><surname>Kontogiorgos</surname><order>12</order></author><author><firstname>Jennifer</firstname><surname>Williams</surname><order>13</order></author><author><firstname>Elif Ecem</firstname><surname>Özkan</surname><order>14</order></author><author><firstname>Pepita</firstname><surname>Barnard</surname><order>15</order></author><author><firstname>Gustavo</firstname><surname>Berumen</surname><order>16</order></author><author><firstname>Dominic</firstname><surname>Price</surname><order>17</order></author><author><firstname>Sue</firstname><surname>Cobb</surname><order>18</order></author><author><firstname>Martina</firstname><surname>Wiltschko</surname><order>19</order></author><author><firstname>Lucien</firstname><surname>Tisserand</surname><order>20</order></author><author><firstname>Martin</firstname><surname>Porcheron</surname><order>21</order></author><author><firstname>Manuel</firstname><surname>Giuliani</surname><order>22</order></author><author><firstname>Gabriel</firstname><surname>Skantze</surname><order>23</order></author><author><firstname>Patrick G. 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Distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).</documentNotes><copyrightCorrect>true</copyrightCorrect><language>eng</language><licence></licence></document></documents><OutputDurs/></rfc1807>
spelling v2 64960 2023-11-10 Working with troubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots: workshop report 082d773ae261d2bbf49434dd2608ab40 Julian Hough Julian Hough true false 2023-11-10 SCS This paper summarizes the structure and findings from the first Workshop on Troubles and Failures in Conversations between Humans and Robots. The workshop was organized to bring together a small, interdisciplinary group of researchers working on miscommunication from two complementary perspectives. One group of technology-oriented researchers was made up of roboticists, Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) researchers and dialogue system experts. The second group involved experts from conversation analysis, cognitive science, and linguistics. Uniting both groups of researchers is the belief that communication failures between humans and machines need to be taken seriously and that a systematic analysis of such failures may open fruitful avenues in research beyond current practices to improve such systems, including both speech-centric and multimodal interfaces. This workshop represents a starting point for this endeavour. The aim of the workshop was threefold: Firstly, to establish an interdisciplinary network of researchers that share a common interest in investigating communicative failures with a particular view towards robotic speech interfaces; secondly, to gain a partial overview of the “failure landscape” as experienced by roboticists and HRI researchers; and thirdly, to determine the potential for creating a robotic benchmark scenario for testing future speech interfaces with respect to the identified failures. The present article summarizes both the “failure landscape” surveyed during the workshop as well as the outcomes of the attempt to define a benchmark scenario. Journal Article Frontiers in Robotics and AI 10 Human-Robot Interaction Frontiers Media SA 2296-9144 Human-robot interaction, speech interfaces, dialogue systems, multi-modal interaction, communicative failure, repair 1 12 2023 2023-12-01 10.3389/frobt.2023.1202306 COLLEGE NANME Computer Science COLLEGE CODE SCS Swansea University External research funder(s) paid the OA fee (includes OA grants disbursed by the Library) The workshop, the outcomes of which are described in this paper, was funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) Robotics & Autonomous Systems Network (UK-RAS) Pump Priming programme under the project title “Charting the Limits and Developing Future Directions of Speech Interfaces for Robotics”. DG is supported under the EPSRC projects NLG for low-resource domains (EP/T024917/1) and CiViL (EP/T014598/1). Some of the authors are supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [grant numbers EP/V00784X/1, EP/X009343/1] including through the Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS) Hub. One of the authors has been supported by the H2020 EU projects CANOPIES—A Collaborative Paradigm for Human Workers and Multi-Robot Teams in Precision Agriculture Systems, Grant Agreement 101016906. DK is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy—EXC 2002/1 “Science of Intelligence”—project number 390523135. 2023-12-12T13:14:29.2973648 2023-11-10T11:58:15.0661525 Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Mathematics and Computer Science - Computer Science Frank Förster 1 Marta Romeo 2 Patrick Holthaus 3 Luke J. Wood 4 Christian Dondrup 5 Joel E. Fischer 6 Farhana Ferdousi Liza 7 Sara Kaszuba 8 Julian Hough 9 Birthe Nesset 10 Daniel Hernández García 11 Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos 12 Jennifer Williams 13 Elif Ecem Özkan 14 Pepita Barnard 15 Gustavo Berumen 16 Dominic Price 17 Sue Cobb 18 Martina Wiltschko 19 Lucien Tisserand 20 Martin Porcheron 21 Manuel Giuliani 22 Gabriel Skantze 23 Patrick G. T. Healey 24 Ioannis Papaioannou 25 Dimitra Gkatzia 26 Saul Albert 27 Guanyu Huang 28 Vladislav Maraev 29 Epaminondas Kapetanios 30 64960__29249__e4d8a036e7224441be5c237cb1156db0.pdf 64960.VOR.pdf 2023-12-12T13:12:51.7842530 Output 406395 application/pdf Version of Record true © 2023 Förster, Romeo, Holthaus, Wood, Dondrup, Fischer, Liza, Kaszuba, Hough, Nesset, Hernández García, Kontogiorgos, Williams, Özkan, Barnard, Berumen, Price, Cobb, Wiltschko, Tisserand, Porcheron, Giuliani, Skantze, Healey, Papaioannou, Gkatzia, Albert, Huang, Maraev and Kapetanios. Distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). true eng
title Working with troubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots: workshop report
spellingShingle Working with troubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots: workshop report
Julian Hough
title_short Working with troubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots: workshop report
title_full Working with troubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots: workshop report
title_fullStr Working with troubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots: workshop report
title_full_unstemmed Working with troubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots: workshop report
title_sort Working with troubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots: workshop report
author_id_str_mv 082d773ae261d2bbf49434dd2608ab40
author_id_fullname_str_mv 082d773ae261d2bbf49434dd2608ab40_***_Julian Hough
author Julian Hough
author2 Frank Förster
Marta Romeo
Patrick Holthaus
Luke J. Wood
Christian Dondrup
Joel E. Fischer
Farhana Ferdousi Liza
Sara Kaszuba
Julian Hough
Birthe Nesset
Daniel Hernández García
Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos
Jennifer Williams
Elif Ecem Özkan
Pepita Barnard
Gustavo Berumen
Dominic Price
Sue Cobb
Martina Wiltschko
Lucien Tisserand
Martin Porcheron
Manuel Giuliani
Gabriel Skantze
Patrick G. T. Healey
Ioannis Papaioannou
Dimitra Gkatzia
Saul Albert
Guanyu Huang
Vladislav Maraev
Epaminondas Kapetanios
format Journal article
container_title Frontiers in Robotics and AI
container_volume 10
container_issue Human-Robot Interaction
publishDate 2023
institution Swansea University
issn 2296-9144
doi_str_mv 10.3389/frobt.2023.1202306
publisher Frontiers Media SA
college_str Faculty of Science and Engineering
hierarchy_top_id facultyofscienceandengineering
hierarchy_top_title Faculty of Science and Engineering
hierarchy_parent_id facultyofscienceandengineering
hierarchy_parent_title Faculty of Science and Engineering
department_str School of Mathematics and Computer Science - Computer Science{{{_:::_}}}Faculty of Science and Engineering{{{_:::_}}}School of Mathematics and Computer Science - Computer Science
document_store_str 1
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description This paper summarizes the structure and findings from the first Workshop on Troubles and Failures in Conversations between Humans and Robots. The workshop was organized to bring together a small, interdisciplinary group of researchers working on miscommunication from two complementary perspectives. One group of technology-oriented researchers was made up of roboticists, Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) researchers and dialogue system experts. The second group involved experts from conversation analysis, cognitive science, and linguistics. Uniting both groups of researchers is the belief that communication failures between humans and machines need to be taken seriously and that a systematic analysis of such failures may open fruitful avenues in research beyond current practices to improve such systems, including both speech-centric and multimodal interfaces. This workshop represents a starting point for this endeavour. The aim of the workshop was threefold: Firstly, to establish an interdisciplinary network of researchers that share a common interest in investigating communicative failures with a particular view towards robotic speech interfaces; secondly, to gain a partial overview of the “failure landscape” as experienced by roboticists and HRI researchers; and thirdly, to determine the potential for creating a robotic benchmark scenario for testing future speech interfaces with respect to the identified failures. The present article summarizes both the “failure landscape” surveyed during the workshop as well as the outcomes of the attempt to define a benchmark scenario.
published_date 2023-12-01T13:14:30Z
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