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Conference Paper/Proceeding/Abstract 746 views

The expression of NOTCH 1, 2 and 3 on varicocele induced rat testicles: an immunohistochemical study (oral presentation)

Zubeyde Bayram-Weston Orcid Logo, Sahin Z, Bayram Z, Celik-Ozenci C, Akkoyunlu G, Seval Y, Erdogru T, Baykara M and Ustunel I.

V. National Congress on Andrology; Istanbul, 2003., Start page: 11

Swansea University Author: Zubeyde Bayram-Weston Orcid Logo

Published in: V. National Congress on Andrology; Istanbul, 2003.
Published: 2003
College: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences
Start Page: 11