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Conference Paper/Proceeding/Abstract 988 views

Secondary analysis of routinely collected cancer rehabilitation data from a specialist service in South Wales, UK

Mari Jones Orcid Logo, Csontos, J, Watts, T, Roche, D

International Conference on Cancer Nursing 2021

Swansea University Author: Mari Jones Orcid Logo


Background: Evidence suggests worldwide that cancer rehabilitation has a positive effect on cancer-related health problems, such as fatigue and reduced lung capacity. In South Wales (UK), a specialist cancer rehabilitation service has been collecting outcome data as part of routine assessment since...

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Published in: International Conference on Cancer Nursing 2021
Published: 2019
Online Access:
Abstract: Background: Evidence suggests worldwide that cancer rehabilitation has a positive effect on cancer-related health problems, such as fatigue and reduced lung capacity. In South Wales (UK), a specialist cancer rehabilitation service has been collecting outcome data as part of routine assessment since 2014 to monitor changes in people’s fatigue and functional status. People are assessed before and after a 12-week therapeutic episode which could comprise hydrotherapy, Tai Chi, exercise classes and individual therapy based on people’s needs and preferences. However, the data collected have not yet been comprehensively analysed. The aim of this study was to explore the routinely collected data and investigate change in functional outcomes from 2014 until 2017. Methods: Descriptive statistics were derived from demographic data (cancer site, gender) and outcome measures to explore the data. Pre and post-assessment Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy – Fatigue (FACIT-F), Timed up and go (TUAG), pain, shortness of breath and quality of life visual analogue scale (VAS) were compared with Paired-samples t-test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test to look for significant change. Missing data was listwise deleted. The study was approved by London South – East Research Ethics Committee (17/LO/2123). Results: Anonymised records (n=1645) were split into four years (2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017) and up to 12 attendance episodes (Ep1-12). There was significant (two tailed p<0.05) change between pre and post-assessment in most of the outcome measures during episodes 1-3 in each year. Fatigue (e.g.: FACIT-FEp1/2014 n=55, MedianPre=24.00 and MedianPost=31.00 , T=1159, p=0.000, r=0.48), pain (e.g.: PainEp1/2014 n=32, MedianPre=6.25 and MedianPost=3.50 , T=30, p=0.000, r=-0.68) and TUAG (e.g.: TUAGEp1/2014 n=78, MedianPre=7.61 and MedianPost=6.92 , T=665.5, p=0.000, r=-0.49) reduced. This could indicate that cancer rehabilitation provided by a specialist service in South Wales has positive influence on people’s health. However, shortness of breath was not significant in most episodes and years. Conclusion(s): Results imply that people could benefit from cancer rehabilitation provided by a specialist service in South Wales. However, change was mostly noticeable during early episodes (Ep1-3). This could indicate that people do not benefit from further interventions. Tailoring therapeutic episodes to individual needs may facilitate more effective use of resources.
College: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences