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The Enforcement Authority of International Institutions

Volker Roeben, Volker Roben Orcid Logo

The Exercise of Public Authority by International Institutions, Armin von Bogdandy et al (eds), Pages: 819 - 842

Swansea University Author: Volker Roben Orcid Logo


Argues that international public authority depends the capacity to centrally enforce international law demands. Develops a typology of such central mechanisms. Draws implications for the understanding of the normativity of international law.

Published in: The Exercise of Public Authority by International Institutions, Armin von Bogdandy et al (eds)
Published: Springer 2009
Abstract: Argues that international public authority depends the capacity to centrally enforce international law demands. Develops a typology of such central mechanisms. Draws implications for the understanding of the normativity of international law.
Item Description: Appears in the impulse volume of an ongoing large-scale research project
Keywords: International institutional law; theory and doctrine of international public authority
College: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Start Page: 819
End Page: 842