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Burqa comments like Boris Johnson’s are pushing Muslims to reassert their identity

Nilufar Ahmed Orcid Logo

Swansea University Author: Nilufar Ahmed Orcid Logo


The former UK Foreign Minister, Boris Johnson's recent inflammatory comments about the niqab face covering that is adopted by a small minority of Muslim women were part of a strategy to further his political ambitions. However this type of narrative endangers the lives of Muslim women and commu...

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Published: 2018
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Abstract: The former UK Foreign Minister, Boris Johnson's recent inflammatory comments about the niqab face covering that is adopted by a small minority of Muslim women were part of a strategy to further his political ambitions. However this type of narrative endangers the lives of Muslim women and communities and can lead to the adoption of resistance identities that include greater visibility of Islamic dress in reaction to feeling under attack. At tense times when the community is more fragmented than ever, senior politicians need to be more careful.
Keywords: Islam, Muslims, British Muslims, Politics, British Politics, Burka, Niqab, Gender, Muslim women
College: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences