Conference Paper/Proceeding/Abstract 1085 views

Development of the Rheo-Diecasting (RDC) process for the production of high integrity components

Amit Das Orcid Logo, S. Ji, X. Fang, G. Liu, J.B. Patel, Z. Fan

Semi-solid processing of alloys and composites : proceedings of the 9th international conference on semi-solid processing of alloy and composites

Swansea University Author: Amit Das Orcid Logo

Published in: Semi-solid processing of alloys and composites : proceedings of the 9th international conference on semi-solid processing of alloy and composites
ISBN: 9783908451266, 3908451264 (pbk.)
Published: Busan, Korea 9th international conference on semi-solid processing of alloy and composites S2P 2006 2006
College: Faculty of Science and Engineering