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Local Elections in England, 2015

Ekaterina Kolpinskaya Orcid Logo

UK Data Service

Swansea University Author: Ekaterina Kolpinskaya Orcid Logo


The data collection was supported by the University of Exeter Q-Step Centre funded by the Nuffield Foundation and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). The Electoral Reform Society (ERS), especially Jessica Garland and Chris Terry, provided invaluable feedback on the early versions of the...

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Published in: UK Data Service
Published: 2016
Online Access:
Abstract: The data collection was supported by the University of Exeter Q-Step Centre funded by the Nuffield Foundation and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). The Electoral Reform Society (ERS), especially Jessica Garland and Chris Terry, provided invaluable feedback on the early versions of the dataset, as well as the basis for the data coding frame. The ward- and council-level electoral results were collected from the local council web-sites listed on the BBC 2015 England Local Election results web-page and, in the instances when the reported data was incomplete, was obtained through direct contacts with the Returning Officers for the respective local authority. The initial data collection was completed by the University of Exeter Q-Step students, including Chris Curtis, Zofia Durkiewicz, James Harman, Josh Redmond, Samuel Shie Song Fa, Valeriya Titkova, Minh Tri Le and Edward Withers.
Keywords: Election and campaign studies - Politics Election returns - Politics Elites and leadership - Social stratification and groupings Government and political systems - Politics Political history - History Population censuses - Population, vital statistics and censuses
College: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences