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REF 2014 Impact Case Study: Influencing national policy to improve service delivery and patient care in gastroenterology

John Williams

Swansea University Author: John Williams


This REF2014 Impact Case Study describes a programme of research which evaluated new service initiatives and changing professional roles in the management of patients with debilitating gastrointestinal disorders. It showed the clinical and cost effectiveness of two main innovations: open access to h...

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Published: 2013
Abstract: This REF2014 Impact Case Study describes a programme of research which evaluated new service initiatives and changing professional roles in the management of patients with debilitating gastrointestinal disorders. It showed the clinical and cost effectiveness of two main innovations: open access to hospital services for patients with inflammatory bowel disease, and increasing responsibility for nurses, particularly as endoscopists. Our evidence has had a broad, significant impact on: national policy through incorporation in NHS and professional strategies, service standards and commissioning guides; service delivery through increasing numbers of nurse endoscopists and the wide introduction of nurse-led open access to follow-up; and patient care, documented in three successive national audits.
Keywords: gastroenterology; service delivery; endoscopy; inflammatory bowel disease
College: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences