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The effect of observing response procedures on the reduction of over-selectivity in a match to sample task: Immediate but not long term benefits

Laura Broomfield, Louise McHugh, Phil Reed Orcid Logo

Research in Developmental Disabilities, Volume: 29, Issue: 3, Start page: 217

Swansea University Authors: Louise McHugh, Phil Reed Orcid Logo

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Published in: Research in Developmental Disabilities
ISSN: 0891-4222
Published: 2008
Online Access: Check full text

Item Description: The ideas and design for the study were the joint work of LMc and PR. The data were collected by LB as part of her doctoral research supervised by LMc. LB analyzed the data under supervision. The writing of the manuscript was a joint venture with LMc contributing at all stages.
College: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences
Issue: 3
Start Page: 217