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Blurring Boundaries in a “Cyber-Greater China”: are internet bulletin boards constructing the public sphere in contemporary China

Yan Wu Orcid Logo

Media and Public Spheres, Pages: 210 - 222

Swansea University Author: Yan Wu Orcid Logo


There has been much theory about the internet’s promise, based upon itstechnological capabilities, particularly its open access, making an egalitarianand inclusive public sphere a reality, and moreover one that extends beyondnational borders. Yan Wu examines the consequences of this in rapidly chang...

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Published in: Media and Public Spheres
Published: 2007
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Abstract: There has been much theory about the internet’s promise, based upon itstechnological capabilities, particularly its open access, making an egalitarianand inclusive public sphere a reality, and moreover one that extends beyondnational borders. Yan Wu examines the consequences of this in rapidly changingChina. Here the traditional media are tightly controlled and function asa representational rather than deliberative public sphere. Wu examines howChinese inside China and among the diaspora use Chinese internet bulletinboards as a public sphere to discuss political issues within China, counteringgovernment control of other media.
Keywords: the Internet, the Public Sphere, China, diaspora; activism
College: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Start Page: 210
End Page: 222